Welcome to Occami Films

Chairman and CEO Justin Bustamante founded Occami Films alongside a team of Executive Board Members in 2019. Our headquarters are located in Manhattan, New York, with offices under construction in Los Angeles and Toronto. We are an independent for-profit film distribution company with aims to expand into film production in the near future.

Our focus is to share films that utilize an unique point of view and source material in telling meaningful stories giving viewers an unforgettable cinematic experience. We take great pride in giving young, ambitious artists the platform to share their work with the world.

Since our company’s inception we have distributed 3 films, one of which was shown at Sundance Film Festival. Each of our films tell unique stories through the lens of emerging artists across the United States.

Our Executive Board consists of many experienced, open-minded professionals who together control the direction of our company. Efficient distribution through extensive market research and financial analysis has been one of our top priorities, allowing us to experience exponential growth within our first year of business. Our goal is to be able to begin film production within the next 2 years.

To find out more information regarding our mandate click here:


Our films range from a bevy of different genres to ensure all viewers can find something they enjoy and relate to. Our goal is to not only satisfy the viewer, but also the artist by allowing them to fully express themselves through their work.

At Occami we prioritize the artistic and career development of artists we work with. Our main goal is to ensure artists have everything they need to succeed in bringing their vision onto screens around the world. That being said, our name is Occami because we believe as a film distribution company we should focus maintaining the authenticity of our artists work by limiting influence we have on each film – “Entities should not be multiplied without necessity”


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New York Office

31 W 27th St
New York City, New York 10001

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We are constantly searching for new talent throughout the film industry and pride ourselves in finding the best emerging artists across the world. Within the coming years we will begin production on films from artists in which we believe represent our mission and philosophies. Young artists looking for opportunities to enter the film industry should contact us above and submit an application. Our recruiting department will review every application and nominate a select few to our Executive Board for selection.

To learn more about our company’s constitution and bylaws click here:

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